We are now CLOSED for the 2024 season – see you in winter 2025

The waiting is almost over!

There’s now just over a week until our 2012 opening on the 30th June (or possibly 29th – stay tuned) so the waiting is almost over! All the hard work over the summer will be all worth it when the lifts open and we will finally get to enjoy the fruits of our labour.

Accessing the mountain after the big snowfall a fortnight ago was a little tricky – a helicopter was arranged to fly some of us in from the gate after we discovered at least 50cm on much of the access road but due to un-satisfactory weather on that morning, which prevented the helicopter flying, we gave driving up a shot! The mighty Landcruiser managed to forge a way in (with 4 Chains on) to the last Zig-Zag until becoming stuck on a fallen tree and it turned out just it wouldn’t have got much further anyway as just around the next corner the snow got even thicker! So it was a case of walking to the top from there (in at times thigh deep snow) to get the road clearing machinery fired up. After clearing huge snow drifts and natural avalanche debris off the upper road we finally had vehicle access restored by about 7pm that night – just another action packed day at Cheeseman!

9-6-12 Snow up to the doors

9-6-12 Snow up to the doors

9-6-12 - Paul & Cam in the deep snow at Landrover Corner

9-6-12 – Paul & Cam in the deep snow at Landrover Corner

The mountain is still looking good – check out the webcam on the homepage which is now up and running again. There have been a few overnight dustings over the past few days and lets cross our fingers for a fresh snowfall before opening day which will compliment our already solid and settled base.

10-6-12 - Freshly Groomed Learners Area  - Adrian Grierson

10-6-12 – Freshly Groomed Learners Area – Adrian Grierson

10-6-12 - Snowline Nestled in the Snow - Adrian Grierson

10-6-12 – Snowline Nestled in the Snow – Adrian Grierson

9-6-12 - The New Groomer half buried after the new snow - Cam Lill

9-6-12 – The New Groomer half buried after the new snow – Cam Lill

Pre-Season Function

Monday 25th June from 5:30pm onwards at the Ferrymead Speights Ale House, 2a Waterman Place, Ferrymead (off Ferry Road near the Woolston Fire Station)

Come and meet the 2012 staff and catch up with fellow members before the season kicks off. to help you know who’s who on the staff team we will have staff introductions at around 7pm.

A full range of drinks,meals, or snacks are available.


Cheeseman Voly Patrol

This is an amazing opportunity to learn new skills and be involved in the Ski industry.Cheeseman welcomes skiers and boarders to join the Voluntary Ski Patrol group.

Have you thought about being involved?

To be part of this valuable system you need to:

You will be expected to :

Pre-Opening Meeting and Training:

Sunday June 24th 6pm
Unit 3 , Amuri Park, entrance is 302 Bealey Ave, just after the corner of Bealey Ave and Churchill St
Bring paper and pen

For further info during the season see Stu Haslett on the mountain or email patrol@nullmtcheeseman.co.nz

Family Ski Weeks

Have you booked your ski week yet? There are some weeks that are especially designed for those of you with young families.


August 5th – 11th. This week is one of Cheeseman’s best. August is the month you can reply on for great snow. The week encourages families to meet and ski together. Many Cheeseman families meet on these weeks and re-book year after year. One of the best things about a Cheeseman Ski week is living on the hill in the snow. Many young skiers have as much fin making snowmen, having snow fights, playing in the snow at night and playing on the toboggans. The Club Champs are held on the weekend so that all the ski lessons and snow time give everyone perfect practice and skills for the club races.


August 26th – September 1st. For those with younger children this week has the added extra of a Nanny. The Nanny is available every afternoon to occupy your child if they do not want to ski. This is where Cheeseman excels. Your child can ski all day but in the afternoon has the pleasure of being able to play under supervision while you get to ski with other adults. Meal times are also peaceful as the children eat first and then have story time while the adults enjoy their uninterrupted meal.


September 9th – 15th. Another week with a Nanny for your young child. The advantage of skiing in September is that the weather is warmer and more pleasant for your child. All the advantages of the Nanny and plenty of sunshine as well. The last day of this week is “Pirate Day”. There will be a treasure hunt and plenty of games for children and adults.

2012 Posters

The marketing team have come up with some new and exciting posters for 2012 and these will be available on the mountain at the Ticket Office and Cafe during the season. There will also be some available at the Pre-Season function next Monday night.

There will be a new T Shirt design this season which will be available by order on the mountain and we are looking at producing some Cheeseman wine glasses that will also be for sale on the mountain for around $15 each.

Events Calendar Poster

Events Calendar Poster

Fresh lines on Cockayne Poster

Fresh lines on Cockayne Poster

Youth Training Programme

We are seeking expressions of interest from families that are keen for their kids to do freestyle snowboarding/ski lessons in the Sunday youth training programme, (which will incorporate race training too)

Interested parties should contact Helene on 332-4302 or email helene.haase@nullslingshot.co.nz


Cool Pic

This very cool picture of Castle Hill Village was taken by Amanda Power after the big snowfall - nice one Amanda.

This very cool picture of Castle Hill Village was taken by Amanda Power after the big snowfall – nice one Amanda.

Catch you again next week just before we open with an update.

Don’t forget to check the snow report at or call the CSA Snowphone on 383-8888 for daily updates on snow, weather and road conditions.

The Cheeseman Team.

Published on Thursday, June 21st, 2012, under News

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