We are now CLOSED for the 2024 season – see you in winter 2025

Lead up to the season

An early May snow fall last week deposited 30 – 40 cm over much of the mountain and gave them a very wintery look indeed. Since then there have been some stunning clear and calm days with very cold temps during the night which is exactly what is needed in the lead up to the season which is now only about 5 weeks away. Whilst some of the snow has since melted it is doing its bit to bring ground temps down and hopefully the next snowfalls will stick around.

Pre-season organising continues and the last couple of weeks have been a hive of activity with fuel deliveries (after the road was cleared of snow!), major road works, building warrant checks and a number of other pre-season jobs that need to be checked off before the operation kicks into full swing on the 30th June.

This coming weekend will be the last major workparty weekend so if you are yet to complete your 2 workparty days we recommend using this weekend to meet your obligations – further details below on this.

New Snow 16-5-12 - Photo: Cam Lill

New Snow 16-5-12 – Photo: Cam Lill

The Daylodge Nestled in Snow 16-5-12 - Photo Cam Lill

The Daylodge Nestled in Snow 16-5-12 – Photo Cam Lill

Workparty – 26 & 27 May

Coming up this weekend is your last chance to complete your workparty days prior to the 2012 season.

A variety of tasks need to be undertaken with a few jobs to be completed that were started on Family workparty weekend. Jobs include plumbing, electrical, gabion baskets, erecting signs, communications, fence erection etc.

Many of these sound technical but we will have team leaders on site who have the knowledge of the projects but require labour to assist so please get in touch if you can spare a day or the weekend to help.

Contact Ali Kircher to register for the workparty on 351-5672 or 0272 672-480 or email kircher@nullinet.net.nz

Cafe News

After many years of managing the Cafe operation and the volunteer roster Rae and Van Colebourne have retired and we again thank them both for their tireless efforts.

We welcome aboard Vickie Cowie who has taken over in a part time capacity during the season and will also be running the volunteer roster for 2012. We hope that members who have previously given their time to help run the cafe during weekends and event days will continue to do so and we also hope that some of our newer members will join the roster too. A reminder that if you are unable to complete your summer workparty requirements by prior arrangement you can meet these requirements by be rostered on in the cafe during the season.
Cafe volunteers will also be eligible for workparty vouchers for giving their time to work in the cafe and for those who work a whole weekend accommodation is provided at Snowline Lodge on Saturday night and there’s always a chance for a few runs on the slopes during the day too!

Volunteers needed over the following weekends

7/8 July – 1 person reqd.
21/22 July – 1person reqd.
4/5 August – 1 person reqd.
18/19 August – 2 people reqd.
1/2 Sept – 2 people reqd.
22/23 Sept – 2 people reqd.

So please get in touch with Vickie if you can help out with a day or weekend at any stage during the season. She can be contacted on 03 329-6025 or 0272 742-153 or email: preyingmantis@nullxtra.co.nz

Ski Sales

The CSA Ski Sale successfully returned to Christchurch on May 5th and 6th after its cancellation in 2011 due to venue earthquake damage. Cheeseman had a busy two days at the sale running both a club stand and the Kids Corner.

From the Cheeseman club stand we provided information and gave away new 2012 brochures and posters. We also again had a very successful sale of pre-season 1/2 priced lift passes.

The adjacent Kids Corner gave balloons and stickers to children and provided the opportunity for them to sit and colour skiing and boarding cartoon pictures – a welcome break for many parents.

The same weekend Cheeseman was at the Snow and Surf Sale distributing brochures and fliers advertising the sale of 1/2 priced lift passes through the Snow and Surf Shop the following week. Again this sale had great success in providing information and initiating sales.

Many thanks to all the willing member adults and youth who helped make these sales such a great success – bring on the SNOW!

Sophia and Alexandra, the Cheeseman Cheeses, giving out balloons to kids at the CSA Ski Sale 2012

Sophia and Alexandra, the Cheeseman Cheeses, giving out balloons to kids at the CSA Ski Sale 2012

Yello Shack Cafe – Springfield

Open 7 days for yummy homemade food, great coffee and friendly service.
Gourmet Wood fired pizza’s available for dine in or takeaway (weekends only).
Fully Licensed Bar

Call in for a wine, gourmet pizza, bowl of chips or hot soup after a great day on the mountain, or ring us to place you’re order for a takeaway pizza on the way home. Funky atmosphere and recently renovated with a lot more seating.

Email yelloshack@nullgmail.com
Ph 03 3184880
Main West Coast Rd Springfield
Open 7 days – 8am onwards

Until the next E-News take care and think snow!

The Cheeseman Team.

Published on Thursday, May 24th, 2012, under News

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